Equality Texas is the state’s leading advocacy organization defending the rights of LGBTQ Texans against attack, with tens of thousands of members across the state.

In 1978, a group of lesbians and gay men recognized the need to have our interests represented in the 66th session of the Texas Legislature. These men and women formed the “Human Rights Advocates.”

In 1980, lesbians and gay men again recognized the need to be represented in the state government. Members of the Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas and the Texas Gay Task Force hired a lobbyist to monitor the 67th session and lobby on behalf of lesbian and gay interests.

In January 1982, TGTF and LGDT called a meeting to address the lobby efforts of lesbians and gay men. At this meeting, the Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates was created

In 1986, LGRA became “LGRL,” or the Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas. The Lobby hired a full-time Executive Director to fight for the rights of lesbians and gay men.

In 1990, the Allan G. Calkin Human Rights Education and Research Fund was established and operated as LGRL’s charitable arm. Its goal was to educate the public about how policies regarding sexual orientation affect the lives of lesbian and gay Texans.

In 2006, LGRL became Equality Texas. The change was made to reflect the enormous growth in the organization and represent the strength and diversity of the coalition that was galvanized during the campaign to defeat proposition #2, Texas’ so-called “defense of marriage” amendment to the state constitution.

Their Mission

We Equality Texas works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.

The Equality Texas Foundation works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.

Their Vision

We envision a Texas where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans and their families have full equality in the hearts and minds of our fellow Texans and in all areas of the law

Their Pledge to Anti-Racism

We exist to advance the rights of historically marginalized communities. We want to build the foundation that allows for intersectional pride, but that cannot occur unless we all show up and bring attention to the state of emergency Black Americans are in.

Ways to Help:

Show up - join meetings all across Texas

Speak up - share your story! Nothing helps build a state of equality in Texas like stories. Your stories. The experiences you’ve had — good and bad — living, working, attending school, and building a family here in Texas

Volunteer - the list of volunteer opportunities is massive. It truly takes a village. Opportunities include things like phone banking, data entry, op-ed writing, canvasing, petition organizing, lobbying and testifying at the capital, to name a few.

SIGN UP FOR THEIR EMAIL LIST on of the easiest actions you can do to stay aware of what is happening in the LGBTQIA community and ways to help.

Join an event. They have a few galas and celebrations throughout the year in multiple cities across the state. Find one in your town, here

make a donation

Equality Texas serves as the largest nonpartisan statewide political advocacy organization working for the elimination of discrimination targeting the LGTBQ community.

If you or someone you know is struggling with this, please send them to TX Trans Kids.Org

Equality Texas works with TXtranskids.org to provide links to resources and information regarding the on-going fight for trans rights.

Find them here

Resources for parents of trans youth: