The Baby Bouquet


The Baby bouquet is about 8”-10” tall and is made with a base flower of Limonium Caspia, and speckled with an assortment of seasonal flowers and bunny tails. Perfect for a gift box, or just something to say “thank you”. (Perfect teacher gifts!)

Choice of color pallet:

  • Pinks & Purples

  • Neutrals

  • Cool Colors green, blue and purple—evoke feelings of relaxation and calm

  • Warm Colors orange, yellow and red—evokes feelings of warmth, happiness and joy

Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. Flowers in the pictures are a general idea of what you will get, each bouquet is made to order and will contain different flowers (unless otherwise specified beforehand via email or phone)

Every bouquet is wrapped with floral wire, then wrapped in kraft paper or tissue and tied off with jute, chiffon or velvet ribbon (depending on size and color availability). Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. I create each and every bouquet to order, so that no two are the same. Photos are examples of the style of bouquet, but not exact. Flowers come with a flower care card to ensure maximum enjoyment.

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The Baby bouquet is about 8”-10” tall and is made with a base flower of Limonium Caspia, and speckled with an assortment of seasonal flowers and bunny tails. Perfect for a gift box, or just something to say “thank you”. (Perfect teacher gifts!)

Choice of color pallet:

  • Pinks & Purples

  • Neutrals

  • Cool Colors green, blue and purple—evoke feelings of relaxation and calm

  • Warm Colors orange, yellow and red—evokes feelings of warmth, happiness and joy

Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. Flowers in the pictures are a general idea of what you will get, each bouquet is made to order and will contain different flowers (unless otherwise specified beforehand via email or phone)

Every bouquet is wrapped with floral wire, then wrapped in kraft paper or tissue and tied off with jute, chiffon or velvet ribbon (depending on size and color availability). Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. I create each and every bouquet to order, so that no two are the same. Photos are examples of the style of bouquet, but not exact. Flowers come with a flower care card to ensure maximum enjoyment.

The Baby bouquet is about 8”-10” tall and is made with a base flower of Limonium Caspia, and speckled with an assortment of seasonal flowers and bunny tails. Perfect for a gift box, or just something to say “thank you”. (Perfect teacher gifts!)

Choice of color pallet:

  • Pinks & Purples

  • Neutrals

  • Cool Colors green, blue and purple—evoke feelings of relaxation and calm

  • Warm Colors orange, yellow and red—evokes feelings of warmth, happiness and joy

Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. Flowers in the pictures are a general idea of what you will get, each bouquet is made to order and will contain different flowers (unless otherwise specified beforehand via email or phone)

Every bouquet is wrapped with floral wire, then wrapped in kraft paper or tissue and tied off with jute, chiffon or velvet ribbon (depending on size and color availability). Floral arrangements vary by season and flower availability. I create each and every bouquet to order, so that no two are the same. Photos are examples of the style of bouquet, but not exact. Flowers come with a flower care card to ensure maximum enjoyment.

All flowers are dried naturally and preserved using eco-friendly practices. Please note that I use primarily Limonium Caspia in all of my arrangements, and they can have a bit of a musty/fishy smell to them when you first take them out of the box. The smell will dissipate eventually but don’t be surprised if you catch a quick sniff of something funky, it’s all natural!


Looking for flowers for a wedding or special occasion? Email me, and let’s create something unique for your big day!

The Everyday Bouquet
For Prosperity | Blue Sage & Dried Florals
White Sage + Lavender
Good Vibes Bundle | White Sage, Clear Quartz + Evil Eye Charm
The Deluxe