Lavender Feels


Lavender is undeniably the star of the show in this captivating piece. With Lavender taking center stage and exuding its full aromatic charm, this bouquet not only dazzles the eye but also delights the senses with its enchanting fragrance.

Alongside the majestic Lavender, the arrangement features a delightful assortment of other colorful accents that effortlessly elevate its visual allure. These include delicate bunny tails, graceful reeds, and a harmonious blend of grasses and pampas grass that add a touch of whimsical elegance to the overall composition.

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Lavender is undeniably the star of the show in this captivating piece. With Lavender taking center stage and exuding its full aromatic charm, this bouquet not only dazzles the eye but also delights the senses with its enchanting fragrance.

Alongside the majestic Lavender, the arrangement features a delightful assortment of other colorful accents that effortlessly elevate its visual allure. These include delicate bunny tails, graceful reeds, and a harmonious blend of grasses and pampas grass that add a touch of whimsical elegance to the overall composition.

Lavender is undeniably the star of the show in this captivating piece. With Lavender taking center stage and exuding its full aromatic charm, this bouquet not only dazzles the eye but also delights the senses with its enchanting fragrance.

Alongside the majestic Lavender, the arrangement features a delightful assortment of other colorful accents that effortlessly elevate its visual allure. These include delicate bunny tails, graceful reeds, and a harmonious blend of grasses and pampas grass that add a touch of whimsical elegance to the overall composition.

Bouquet in a Box
Floral Pin
For Prosperity | Blue Sage & Citrine
The Healing Set: Palo Santo • Santa Yerba • Selenite
To Relax | White Sage + Lavender